Castle Street Dental Practice
(© Castle Street Dental Practice 2025
Opening Hours
Monday 9am to 6pm
Tuesday 9am to 6pm
Wednesday 9am to 6pm
Thursday 9am to 6pm
Friday 9am to 6pm
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment(RCT) is carried out to save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted due to
infection or pain.
During RCT the dentist places what is called a rubber dam over the tooth
which isolates the tooth from the rest of the teeth in the mouth. The
dentist cleans and disinfects the root canal(s) of the tooth using specially
designed instuments that remove the dead or dying remnants of the
dental pulp along with irrigating the canals with disinfectant solutions.
The cleaned out canals are then filled with root canal filling which stops
infection recurring. The treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic
over one or two visits and is painless. The cavity is then filled up.
Sometimes it is advisable to place a porcelain crown over the tooth to protect it.
Some, more difficult cases may be referred to a Specialist Endodontist(Root Canal Specialist) for treatment.